I studied at The City College of New York where I am pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree. I am a computer science major with a passion for coding. I didn’t start to code until it was during my freshman year of high school.

I was able to join an organization called Code Nation where I completed a 4 year-long, front-end coding program taught by a team of software engineers. I enjoyed my time there so much that I decided to sign up for another year. During my time there, I learned a lot of programming languages and skills such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, API, Git, Firebase, React, and much more! Code Nation offered a lot of fun stuff.

I was able to build many different projects with different teams and participated in multiple hackathons. During my first year of CodeNation, I attended a summer academy that they hosted where I attained Bootstrap skills. In my third year of CodeNation, I joined another program like Google Code Next that partnered with CodeNation. Code Nation also hosted events such as professional development day where students can practice interviews and technical questions, invited guest speakers from well known companies, planned fun trips, and offered challenges with rewards.

As a result, I improved my technical and professional skills. Not only that, I built more connections and confidence as well. Code Nation is where I can call it my home. I am hoping to become a better software engineer and to further my career.
When I am not Coding, I like to
Play Video Games
Read Books
Hangout with Friends